Why do many students fail to give a good Part 2 answer?

  • Many students talk randomly about the topic they are given.

  • They often hesitate in this part of the test because they don't know what else to say.

  • They find it difficult to speaking for the full two minutes and run out of ideas before the time is up.

  • Their talk is often full of ideas that are not linked together.

  • They use a limited range of vocabulary and repeat their ideas a lot.

In this course, you will:

  • learn how to structure your Part 2 answer.

  • learn how to organise your ideas and develop your answer well.

  • get a list of all the 2019 topics given in 2020 (29 repeated topics and 29+ cue cards).

  • get a PDF with 49 cue cards given in 2020.

  • get 25 videos (3:35 minutes each) to practice 2020 topics – Each video has a topic given in the Speaking test in January, May, June, or July 2020. 

  • get seven sample answers (PDF + audio).

  • get five cue cards to record your answers and get feedback on your performance.

  • get personalised feedback to help you improve your fluency and coherence, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy, and pronunciation.


  • You will learn what kind of topics are usually covered in this part of the Speaking test.

  • You will learn which of the 2019 topics are repeated in 2020.

  • You will practice with 25 new cue cards given in January, May, June, and July 2020. You will not know what topic will show on your screen. This will test your ability to cover the topic in 2 minutes. 

  • You will get into the habit of speaking for 2 minutes. This will give you an idea how much you can say. 

  • You will have the chance to record yourself and get feedback on your performance.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Chapter 1: Welcome to the course!

    • Course Introduction

    • Introduce Yourself

    • Before we begin...

  • 2

    Chapter 2: Introduction to IELTS Speaking Part 2

    • Introduction to Part 2

    • Topics usually covered in Part 2

    • Part 2 - Organizing your answer - Useful language

  • 3

    Chapter 3: IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topics (2019 – 2020)

    • IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topics - 2019 in 2020 - 2 pages

    • The Most Common IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topics in 2019 - 12 pages

    • IELTS Speaking Part 2 Cue Cards - 2019 in 2020 - 12 pages

  • 4

    Chapter 4: Sample Answers (Audio + PDF)

    • IELTS Speaking Part 2 - Describe a person who often travels by plane - 09-2019 (Cue card + Audio)

    • Part 2 - Describe a person who often travels by plane - 09-2019

    • IELTS Speaking Part 2 - Describe a school you went to as a child - 09-2019 (Cue card + Audio)

    • Part 2 - Describe a school you went to as a child - 09-2019

    • IELTS Speaking Part 2 - Describe your ideal home - 07-2019 (Cue card + Audio)

    • Part 2 - Describe your ideal home - 07-2019

    • IELTS Speaking Part 2 - Describe a time when you received a bad customer service in a restaurant - 04-2019 (Cue card + Audio)

    • Part 2 - Describe a time when you received a bad customer service in a restaurant - 04-2019

    • IELTS Speaking Part 2 - Describe the most beautiful city you have visited - 04-2019 (Cue card + Audio)

    • Part 2 - Describe the most beautiful city you have visited - 04-2019

    • IELTS Speaking Part 2 - Describe a website you like to visit - 01-2019 (Cue card + Audio)

    • Part 2 - Describe a website you like to visit - 01-2019

    • IELTS Speaking Part 2 - Describe a practical skill you have learned - 10-2019 (Cue card + Audio)

    • Part 2 - Describe a practical skill you have learned - 10-2019

  • 5

    Chapter 5: IELTS Speaking Part 2 – 2020 Topics (NEW CUE CARDS) (72 Topics)

  • 6

    Chapter 6: Speaking Practice & Feedback (2020 Topics)

    • More information

    • Cue card 1 (January 2020)

    • Cue card 2 (January 2020)

    • Cue card 3 (January 2020)

    • Cue card 4 (May 2020)

    • Cue card 5 (June 2020)

  • 7


    • Welcome!

    • Cue card #1

    • Cue card #2

    • Cue card #3

    • Cue card #4

    • Cue card #5

    • Cue card #6

    • Cue card #7

    • Cue card #8

    • Cue card #9

    • Cue card #10

    • Cue card #11

    • Cue card #12

    • Cue card #13

    • Cue card #14

    • Cue card #15

    • Cue card #16

    • Cue card #17

    • Cue card #18

    • Cue card #19

    • Cue card #20

    • Cue card #21

    • Cue card #22

  • 8


    • Welcome!

    • Cue card #1

    • Cue card #2

    • Cue card #3

    • Cue card #4

    • Cue card #5

    • Cue card #6

    • Cue card #7

    • Cue card #8

    • Cue card #9

  • 9


    • Welcome!

    • Cue card #1

    • Cue card #2

    • Cue card #3

    • Cue card #4

    • Cue card #5

    • Cue card #6

    • Cue card #7

    • Cue card #8

    • Cue card #9

    • Cue card #10

  • 10


    • Welcome!

    • Cue card #1

    • Cue card #2

    • Cue card #3

    • Cue card #4

    • Cue card #5

    • Cue card #6

  • 11


    • Welcome!

    • Cue card #1

    • Cue card #2

    • Cue card #3

    • Cue card #4

    • Cue card #5

    • Cue card #6

    • Cue card #7

    • Cue card #8

    • Cue card #9

    • Cue card #10

    • Cue card #11

    • Cue card #12

    • Cue card #13

    • Cue card #14

    • Cue card #15

    • Cue card #16

    • Cue card #17

    • Cue card #18

    • Cue card #19

    • Cue card #20

    • Cue card #21

    • Cue card #22

    • Cue card #23

    • Cue card #24

    • Cue card #25

  • 12

    Chapter 12: Next Steps...

    • Before you go...

    • Thank you!


25 cue cards (January–July 2020)

You will see a random 2020 topic. You will have 1 minute to make notes and 2 minutes to speak.

You do not pass or fail IELTS. You get a Band Score between 1 and 9.

📌 The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is an international standard for describing language ability. An overall IELTS band 7.0 will meet the language requirements of most university courses. This score shows that you have an advanced level of English. If you need IELTS for work, you may be required to score 7.0 in all 4 papers.
Levels of English & IELTS Band Scores

Organized topics

You will get quick access to each topic so you can start practicing immediately.
New Topics - May 2020

Get access to all exam topics and cue cards given in 2019 and 2020.


  • How can I join?

    To join the course, you need to create an account using your email address or LinkedIn profile. You can see what is inside the course by clicking on the 'Free Preview' button. Some sections allow free access to some of the content before buying the course.

  • Why should I take this course?

    Most students struggle with Part 2 of the IELTS Speaking test. Their answers are not organised and their ideas are not linked well. If you consider yourself one of those people, then you should join the course to get personalised feedback on your answers. You will also be able to listen to other students' answers and read the feedback on their performance. Another benefit is that you will have access to topics and cue cards given in 2019 and 2020.

  • How can I pay for the course?

    You can purchase the course using PayPal. Make sure your card is enabled for online and international purchases. (If you don't have a PayPal account, you can request an invoice via email. This will allow you to pay with a debit card.)

  • Will I lose access to the course?

    No. You will be able to revisit the course site.

  • Can I get a refund?

    In this course, you will get access to cue cards given in the IELTS Speaking test. As well as that, you will get personalised feedback on your performance. You won't be able to ask for a refund. The benefit of the course, however, is well worth the money.

  • What if I have additional questions or concerns?

    You can send your questions via email to [email protected].

Complete IELTS Speaking Course

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